Andrew Kurauchi
São Paulo, Brazil
Computer Science professor specializing in developing interactive applications for teaching and assistive technology.
Work Experience
Curriculum development: Part of a 4 faculty member team that designed the curriculum for the new B.Sc. in Computer Science at Insper with two pillars: software architecture/design and AI. Created and redesigned active learning courseware for the Computer Engineering program.
Teaching: Received an Excellence in Teaching Award (2022), recognizing outstanding teaching as voted by graduating students. Designed courseware and taught 9 different courses, including: introduction to programming, human-computer interaction, computer vision, and algorithms and data structures.
Software development: Created and maintained an online assessment and learning system for programming courses offering automated feedback for over 500 Python exercises. Developed a Visual Studio Code extension for real-time feedback and progress tracking in student coding environments. The system is used by hundreds of Engineering and CS students each year.
Research: Explored gaze depth information for interaction on VR and AR (collaboration with colleagues from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign). Conducted research in Computer Science Education to evaluate the impact of active learning activities in the classroom.
Software development: Maintained the internal ERP system for managing courses, students, and payroll, validating features with end-users on a daily basis. Contributed to VRaptor, an open source Java web framework.
Teaching: Taught Android development, Object-Oriented Programming with Java.
Thesis: Developed hands-free gaze-based text entry techniques that allow users to type by glancing at characters on a virtual keyboard while the system predicts the words based on the gaze path.
Additional research: Developed keyboard and mouse-replacement techniques using eye and head movements for individuals with severe motor disabilities.
Software development: Developed eye tracking software for low-cost mobile eye trackers and mouse-replacement software using standard webcams and computer vision techniques.
Selected Publications
- Kurauchi, A. T. N.; Feng, W.; Joshi, A.; Morimoto, C. H.; Betke, M. "EyeSwipe: Dwell-free Text Entry Using Gaze Paths". Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI’16. Santa Clara, USA, May 2016.
- Kurauchi, A. T. N.; Feng, W.; Morimoto, C. H.; Betke, M. "HMAGIC: Head Movement and Gaze Input Cascaded Pointing". Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, PETRA’15. Corfu, Greece, Jul. 2015.
- Feng, W.; Zou, J.; Kurauchi, A. T. N.; Morimoto, C. H.; Betke, M. "Hgaze typing: Head-gesture assisted gaze typing". Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications, ETRA’21. Virtual Event, May 2021.