Python Gym
I developed Python Gym’s first version when I started as a lecturer at Insper in our CS1 class for the engineering majors. Prof. Raul Ikeda developed a webapp in the previous semester with 8 Python programming challenges with automated tests that showed a lot of potential. I loved the idea and decided to put some effort in a larger and more flexible version of that system. I’ve reimplemented the whole system 3 times in the past 6 years with learnings from the previous versions.
I’ve stopped teaching that class, but Python Gym is still used by over 100 students each semester. It currently has over 600 Python exercises and instructors add new exercises every semester.
This project is hosted on AWS Elastic Beanstalk and is implemented in Django and Next.js.
This project was also part of the Open Source Development elective taught by Prof. Igor Montagner. You can find the contributor list here: https://github.com/Insper/servidor-de-desafios/graphs/contributors